Title: Emerging Trends and Insights for Optimal HPLC Performance
Time: 2024-10-24 09:40
Lecturer: Prof. Gert Desmet
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Venue: Room 202, Lu-Jiaxi Building
Bio of Prof. Gert Desmet:
Gert Desmet (°1967) holds a Master’s degree and a PhD in Chemical Engineering from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Brussels, Belgium. After a military service and a PhD on mixing in industrial fermenters, he was appointed assistant professor at the Faculty of Sciences of the VUB in 1998 and at the Faculty of Engineering Sciences in 2001. Climbing through the ranks, he was nominated ordinary full professor in 2013. In this capacity, he currently teaches courses on bioreactor design, chemical reactor engineering, nano- and micro biotechnology, and chromatography in both the Faculty of Sciences and Bioengineering Sciences and the Faculty of Engineering of the VUB. He also holds a part-time affiliation at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (Ecole Polytechnique) and Ghent University (Faculty of Sciences). In 2008-2020, he was the head of the Department of Chemical Engineering and a member of the Faculty board of the Faculty of Engineering. In 2012-2015, he was the vice-dean of the Faculty of Sciences and Bioengineering and a member of VUB’s Board of Directors. In 2012-2019, he was a member of VUB’s Innovation and Valorization Council and the VUB-UAB Hercules selection committee. In 2015-2016, he was VUB’s central ombudsperson. He currently is the vice-chair of the educational council of the Master in Chemical and Materials Engineering program of the Brussels Faculty of Engineering program and chairman of the examination committee of the bachelor programs of the Faculty of Engineering.