
发布日期:2020-03-12     浏览次数:次   




办公室---- 电话:(0592)-2183045;传真:(0592)-2183043;电子信箱:ipc@.xmu.edu.cn
所长室---- 电话:(0592)-2183045;电子信箱:dwliao@xmu.edu.cn


Institute of Physical Chemistry (IPC), Xiamen University founded in 1978 and was approved by Department of Education (DOE), CHINA in 1983. Now, the IPC is one of most important R&D institutions of universities and colleges in CHINA under the DOE. There are about 90 researchers in the IPC. The three important departments of IPC are the Catalysis Laboratory, Electrochemistry Laboratory and Structure & Quantum Chemistry Laboratory. IPC is focused on the fundamental research at atomic or molecular level in physical chemistry. The famous physicochemist professor Dr. Khi-Rui Tsai, a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, was the first appointed director of the IPC. Now, the Director of IPC is Professor of Chemistry Dr. Dai-Wei Liao. The IPC has a galaxy of opening talent and is equipped with a lot of the state-of-the-art instruments for high-level modern research and has strong ability enough to carry out various fundamental and applied projects and to develop various high-sci-tech products. We can, together with you, perfectly solve any chemical problems for you.

Tel: +86-(592)218-3045 (Office), +86-(592)218-3045 (Director)
Fax: +86-(592)218-3043
E-mail: ipc@.xmu.edu.cn dwliao@xmu.edu.cn

