学 术 讲 座
题 目: Ultrasensitive Multi-Photon Nonlinear Laser Methods for Environmental and Biomedical Applications
讲座人: William Tong, Distinguished Professor
Head, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
San Diego State University
时 间: 2018年1月4日(周四)10:00-11:30
地 点: 卢嘉锡楼202报告厅
William Tong, Distinguished Professor, joined SDSU in 1985 as an associate professor after his postdoctoral research
at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy. In 1989, five years after receiving his Ph.D., he was
promoted to full professor. He has supervised 22 Ph.D. (University of California San Diego and San Diego State) and
many more Masters and postdoctoral students and visiting scientists/professors. He has been awarded major grants by
the National Science Foundation, NIH (R01), National Institute of General Medical Sciences, U.S. Department of
Defense, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Army Research Office, Lockheed Martin, Beckman, Johnson and
Johnson and other funding agencies. He holds various patents on nonlinear laser methods. He regularly serves on NIH
and NSF review panels and study sections and reviews for research journals.
He was named the 2003 Distinguished Scientist (San Diego Region) by the American Chemical Society (2 of the
20 winners of this award won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry later). He was named Distinguished Professor of Chemistry
and Biochemistry in 2005. He received the Albert Johnson University Research Award, SDSU’s top research award, in
2005, the 2017 SDSU Faculty Diversity Award, and the 2005 Distinguished Achievement Award from the Sigma Xi
Research Society. He also received the 2008 SDSU President Leadership Award. He was awarded Outstanding SDSU
Faculty Awards in 1990, 1991 and 2000, and the SDSU Technology Innovation Award in 2002. His research projects
have been reported and highlighted by Analytical Chemistry, Applied Spectroscopy (cover story), San Diego Union-
Tribune (front page) and San Diego TV stations (ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, KUSI, KPBS, UCSD-TV and University of