【学术报告】Ni-Cu Nanoparticles Trapped Within Mesostructured Materials for Regenerable Deep Desulfurization of Warm Syngas and Integrated HDS/Steam Reforming Process

发布日期:2016-12-01     浏览次数:次   

报告题目:Ni-Cu Nanoparticles Trapped Within Mesostructured Materials for
          Regenerable Deep Desulfurization of Warm Syngas and Integrated
          HDS/Steam Reforming Process
报告人:  Dr. David L. King 
          Laboratory Fellow (Emeritus)
          Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
时间:    12月1日(周四)下午3:00
地点:    卢嘉锡楼202报告厅 

    David L. King has a Ph.D. from Harvard University in Physical Chemistry. He is a Laboratory Fellow (Emeritus) and served as Team Lead of the Catalysis Science and Application Group at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) until retirement at the end of 2015. He was co-lead for the Energy Conversion Initiative, a laboratory level initiative with the goal to develop PNNL as a Center of Excellence for Air- and Water-Neutral Hydrocarbon Conversions, focusing on clean coal and CO2 capture technologies. Dr. King has served as principal investigator and project manager for several programs at PNNL, including solid oxide on-anode natural gas reforming, liquid and gaseous hydrocarbon fuel desulfurization, hydrogen production from bio-derived liquids, and SOx removal from diesel engine emissions. He has a long-standing interest in production of hydrocarbon liquids from coal and biomass. Prior to Dr. King’s arrival at PNNL in 2000, he spent over 20 years with Catalytica, where he was the Principal Investigator for projects in solid acid isobutane (gasoline) alkylation, fuel reforming and desulfurization, synthesis and application of novel molecular sieves, and synthesis of nano-structured metal oxides and zeolites. He also wrote and edited several Catalytica Multiclient Studies. Prior to his years at Catalytica, Dr. King spent 3 years in R&D at Amoco (now BP-Amoco) where his primary efforts focused on Fischer-Tropsch catalysis and methanol-to-gasoline conversions.



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