【卢嘉锡讲座】Chemoluminescent molecules to quantify bond breakage and investigate fracture of elastomers

发布日期:2016-01-25     浏览次数:次   
    高分子研究所邀请国际著名高分子化学与工程化学家Costantino Creton教授来访yl6809永利官网,并做“卢嘉锡讲座”。Costantino Creton教授是法国国家科学研究院,巴黎市工业物理化学学校(居里夫人原工作学校)“软物质高分子网络”课题组组长。研究兴趣遍及高分子化学,高分子力化学,超分子化学,动态交联,粘接化学等邻域。迄今为止共发表论文151篇(包括Science和Physical Review Letters等杂志; ISI h-index: 39; Google Scholar 45),13部著作章节,并80次受邀在American Physical Society,American Chemical Society,IUPAC Macro,Adhesion Society,Euradh,Materials Research Society,Gordon Research Conferences等组织的会议上作报告。

题   目: Chemoluminescent molecules to quantify bond breakage and investigate fracture of elastomers
讲座人: Prof. Costantino Creton
             ESPCI, Paristech, Paris
时   间: 1月25日(周一)10:00-11:30
地   点: 卢嘉锡202报告厅


点击查看Prof. Costantino Creton简历

Chemoluminescent molecules to quantify bond breakage and investigate fracture of elastomers


Costantino Cretona, Etienne Ducrota, Markus Bultersb, Yulan Chenc and Rint P; Sijbesmac


a Laboratory of Soft Matter Science and Engineering, ESPCI ParisTech-UPMC-CNRS, Paris-F

bDSM Research, Geleen, The Netherlands

cInstitute for Complex Molecular Systems, Eindhoven - NL

University of Technology, Eindhoven - NL



We have recently shown1 that very brittle and very elastic elastomers can be stiffened and toughened, while retaining elasticity and reversibility of the deformation, by using the interpenetrated networks concept developed for hydrogels2, 3. The elastomers are prepared by sequential swelling and polymerization steps resulting in highly entangled networks combining a high modulus (3 MPa), fully reversible deformation (

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