【卢嘉锡讲座】From Synbio 1.0 to Synbio 2.0

发布日期:2016-02-16     浏览次数:次   

生物化工研究所邀请天津大学教授元英进来访yl6809永利官网,并做“卢嘉锡讲座”。元英进,天津大学教授,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者。973首席科学家,重大863项目首席专家;国家863计划生物和医药技术领域主题专家,Fellow of IChemE。承担和完成863、973、支撑计划、基金委重大项目、重点基金、重大国际合作基金等一批国家级重大科研项目。主要从事合成生物技术和系统生物技术方面的研究。在国内较早发起并从事合成生物学研究,主要研究包括:开展人工基因组设计和合成,设计构建高效生产紫杉醇、青蒿素、甾体激素、航空燃油等能源及医药产品的人工合成体系,研究人工混菌体系的构建机制和应用等。发表SCI论文200余篇,获得4项省部级自然科学和技术发明等科研奖励。 

题  目: From Synbio 1.0 to Synbio 2.0

讲座人: 元英进教授
             Key Laboratory of Systems Bioengineering (Ministry of Education), Tianjin University

时  间: 2月16日(周二)14:30-16:00

地  点: 卢嘉锡202报告厅






Standardization of parts and modules is one of the main milestones in the development of synthetic biology. By now, the standardization is coming to synbio2.0 from synbio1.0. in synbio1.0, the standardization meant the same sticky ends of DNA segments and the same endonucleases, However, the compatibility of different standardization was poor due to the different endonucleases for different libraries of parts. In synbio2.0, type IIS endonucleases are now introduced into the standardization of parts and modules. Type IIS endonucleases can generate the flexible ends to make most libraries compatible. In addition, the use of the type IIS endonuclease collection with the different binding sequences can avoid the pre-mutation of the binding sequences in the parts. Based on type IIS endonucleases, we have been developing a standard library (SynbioML@TJU) of synthetic parts and modules, which are optimized for codon biases of model microbes. More than 6,000 parts and modules have been deposited according to the metabolic pathways and products in SynbioML@TJU, and all of them are available for uncommercial academic researches. The website of SynbioML@TJU is http://synbioml.org.

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