【学术报告】From oxidative cyclizations to microelectrode arrays to the processing of lignin derived materials: Using electrochemistry to solve synthetic problems of structure and location

发布日期:2016-02-25     浏览次数:次   
    徐海超课题组邀请国华盛顿大学教授Kevin D. Moeller来访yl6809永利官网并做学术报告。Moeller教授是美国华盛顿大学教授,研究兴趣包括电有机合成和电分析。迄今为止共发表论文132篇(包括JACS, Angew Chem等30余篇)。获得美国电化学会Manuel M. Baizer Award。

题   目: From oxidative cyclizations to microelectrode arrays to the processing of lignin derived materials: Using electrochemistry to solve synthetic problems of structure and location

讲座人: Prof. Kevin D. Moeller
             Washington University in St. Louis

时    间: 2月25日(周四)下午2:30-4:00

地    点: 卢嘉锡202报告厅



The talk presented will highlight the synthetic utility of electrochemistry, as well as discuss the mechanistic principles that allow organic chemists to take full advantage of the technique。

K. D. Moeller 简介:
1985 Ph.D. Department of Chemistry, University of California – Santa Barbara.
1985-1987 Postdoc. Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin – Madison/
1987-present Assistant, Associate, and now Full Professor. Department of Chemistry, Washington University in St. Louis.
1991-present Member, Division of Biology and Biomedical Sciences, Washington University in St. Louis.

Manuel M. Baizer Award for Contributions to Organic Electrochemistry: Division of Organic and Biological Electrochemistry, The Electrochemical Society. To be Awarded: Spring 2016.
American Chemical Society’s “St. Louis Award”, 1997


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