题 目:创新研究三部曲
讲座人:唐本忠 院士 香港科技大学
时 间:08月23日(周日)AM09:30
地 点:卢嘉锡楼二楼报告厅(202)
The Trilogy of Creative Research 创新研究三部曲
Ben Zhong Tang, The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
香港科技大学 唐本忠
The essential of scientific research is creativity. Although it varies from area to area, the Trilogy of Creative Research may include: (I) discovery of new phenomena and identification of new problems, (II) hypothesis of new concepts and proposal of new models, and (III) exploration of new applications and opening up of a new field. In this talk, I will expoundthe Trilogy through sharing my experience in the area of research on aggregation-induced emission1–5 with young facultyand graduate students.
References (selected examples of recent reviews)
1. Mei, J.; Hong, Y.; Lam, J. W. Y.; Qin, A.; Tang, Y.; Tang, B. Z. “Aggregation-Induced Emission: The Whole Is More Brilliant than the Parts” Adv. Mater.2014, 26, 5429–5479.
2. Hu, R.; Leung,N. L. C.; Tang, B. Z. “AIE Macromolecules: Syntheses, Structures and Functionalities”Chem. Soc. Rev.2014, 43, 4494.
3. Ding, D.; Li, K.; Liu, B.; Tang, B. Z. “Bioprobes Based on AIE Fluorogens” Acc. Chem. Res.2013, 46, 2441–2453.
4. Hong, Y.; Lam, J. W. Y.; Tang, B. Z. “Aggregation-Induced Emission” Chem. Soc. Rev. 2011, 40, 5361–5388.
5. Hong, Y.; Lam, J. W. Y.; Tang, B. Z. “Aggregation-Induced Emission: Phenomenon, Mechanism and Applications” Chem.Commun.2009, 4332–4353.