公共课程名: Solid State NMR Experiments and Applications

发布日期:2015-10-08     浏览次数:次   
公共课程名: Solid State NMR Experiments and Applications
讲课人:     傅日强(Riqiang Fu)
             Scholar/Scientist, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
             Tallahassee, Florida, USA
时间:       周二(11.26 -12.17)晚上7:00-8:30
地点:       化学楼六楼601教室


1. 时间:11.26
Introduction and Overview – Introducing nuclear magnetic resonance, interactions in solids, and the milestones in NMR history, and overviewing solid state NMR techniques。

2. 时间:12.03
High resolution solid state NMR spectroscopy – Introducing high-resolution NMR techniques (magic angle spinning (MAS), oriented state, multiple pulse techniques) and how to manipulate the spin interactions especially under MAS. Some one-dimensional NMR techniques (REDOR, TOSS, CODEX etc) and their applications will be discussed.

3. 时间:12.10
Two-dimensional solid state NMR spectroscopy and applications (one) – Introducing two-dimensional NMR experiments and design of phase cycling. Some two-dimensional experiments (NOESY, EXSY, MQMAS) will be discussed in details.

4. 时间:12.17
Two-dimensional solid state NMR spectroscopy and applications (two) – Discussing some two-dimensional experiments (PISEMA, DARR/PARIS, NCA/CO, etc) for structural characterization of membrane proteins

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