报告题目:Infrared study of boron-carbon chemical bonds in
boron-doped activated carbon
报告人: Prof. Ping Yu
University of Missouri, Columbia, USA
时间: 12月26日(周二)下午3:30
地点: 卢嘉锡楼202报告厅
The development of nanoporous carbon materials is significant for energy storage and transport based on reversible hydrogen storage. To increase the hydrogen storage capacity, boron atoms are doped into activated carbon. Boron atoms serve as strong sites to increase the heat of hydrogen adsorption. It is very important that boron and carbon form a chemical bond, so that the boron doped nanoporous carbon matrix is a stable structure for hydrogen storage applications. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) is a good tool to recognize chemical bonds in carbon materials. However, the boron-carbon (B-C) bond is hardly observed in conventional FTIR for nanoporous materials because of band broadenings, difference in micro-environment, and overlap of multiple bands. In this talk I report studies on boron doped nanoporous carbon by using microscopic FTIR. With the reduction of the influence from the micro-environment and gas in the nanopores, the infrared vibration from the B-C bond is observed in the boron doped nanoporous carbon. The results show that microscopic FTIR can be used in nanoporous materials to reveal the functional groups which cannot be observed in conventional FTIR.