【学术报告】 Investigation on the active phases of iron promoted Rh/Ir catalysts for hydrogen production via ethanol steam reforming

发布日期:2017-12-27     浏览次数:次   

报告题目:Investigation on the active phases of iron promoted Rh/Ir
          catalysts for hydrogen production via ethanol steam reforming
报告人:  Dr. Luwei Chen
     Institute of Chemical and Engineering Sciences
     Agency for Science, Technology, and Research (A*STAR)
时间:    12月27日(周三)上午10:00
地点:    卢嘉锡楼202报告厅


    Ethanol steam reforming (ESR, CH3CH2OH + 3H2O → 2CO2 + 6H2) is attractive for the production of renewable H2 which can be used for electricity generation in fuel cells. Elimination of side products such as CO and increment of H2 yield is crucial for the supply of H2. We found that iron has played a significant role in Rh-FexOy and Ir-FexOy catalysts to achieve these goals. In this study, the role of metal-support interaction among the three entities, i.e. Rh/Ir iron oxide support at low temperature ESR was unraveled using a combination of in situ techniques, such as in situ XAS, XRD and DRIFT. This study demonstrates the importance of in situ techniques in detecting active phases and understanding the reaction mechanism, which are crucial for rational design and improvement of catalysts.


    Dr Luwei CHEN finished her bachelor and master degree education in Physics from Fujian Normal University and Xiamen University. She received her PhD from National University of Singapore (NUS) in 2000. She joined the Institute of Chemical and Engineering Sciences of Singapore (ICES) in 2003 and is currently a senior scientist and a team leader in the heterogeneous catalysis division. She is also an adjunct associate professor of the department of Material Sciences and Engineering, National University of Singapore. Her research interests include development of catalysts/materials for renewable/alternative energy, biomass valorization, carbon dioxide capture and utilizations; mechanistic study of the gas adsorption as well as reactions on catalyst surfaces, using in situ techniques (XAS, XPS, Raman and FTIR etc.).



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